My intent with this photo is not to offend, but to be honest about my own faith. Looking back, I placed every own of those nails on this cross with my thoughts, with my actions, with all the ways I've failed friends, family and even strangers. Martin Luther, one of the founders of the Protestant movement in England, ...made the following statement:
"I have held many things in my hands and lost them all, but whatever I have placed in God's hands, I still possess".
I found that quote, clearly legible on a soaked scrap of paper, floating in 18 inches of freestanding water in my bedroom in 1998, shortly after I pulled a submerged, live surge protector out of the wall and up out of the water, when it instantly began to smoke. I didn't realize it was still plugged in until after I was standing calf deep in the water in front of it. I did not take a shock.
This post is in honor of my parents and my Grammy, Grampy, Memere and Pepere. They are directly responsible for who I am today, both by their presence and their absence (as well as many others). I wish they would have been able to hold their grandson and great grandson this fall...
"Everything is Wonderful"
Special thanks to Matthew Mishkin Photography
for the use of the Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8L USM lens used to make this photograph.