Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Green Box and Presets: Unleash your art...

Many people live their lives in a number of boxes...the work box, the church box, the family box. Many snapshootists, shutterbugs and photographers spend their lives in the Green box, the face box (portrait mode), the sports box (sports mode) and so on and so forth.
My challenge to you, as a fellow artist, is to unleash your art by not allowing your camera to tell you how to take a picture and what settings to use.
I offer a brief illustration; The following pictures were taken the other morning. On this shot, I decided the white balance, iso setting, shutter speed and aperture opening. Afterwards, I tweaked various elements in photoshop, but not by much. I did a simple levels adjustment to darken the entire image slightly, followed by +20 bumps in saturation levels in the reds, yellows, blues and cyans, to really work the definition of the shot.

This shot was taken using the camera's landscape mode with no post processing.

This is the same image, post processed in a similar manner to the first.

While I like the look of what the camera presented for settings, I just feel the composition I got by switching to manual mode and working all the elements worked with more dramatic lighting elements. Again, I encourage you to unleash your art and learn how to work the entire dial on your camera, not just the presets. They give you a safe picture, but not always the one you wanted.

1 comment:

sammiesidness said...

Oh My goodness Dave I cant even think how to say how incredible these photographs are! The way you capture the sunrise... well its something i just could never do.... though i suppose that would be 50% that I'm too lazy to try and get up that early. Ha ha. Anyway, your still a great photographer even after i left lamey wellehan with all my artsy skills! ^_^ Just kidding. Hey check out my pics and tell me what you think sometime.